Gov. Cooper Signs Bill to Avert Childcare Funding Cliff

Governor Cooper signed S.B.357 into law to prevent future childcare funding issues resulting from the General Assembly’s failure to agree on an update to the state’s budget. This law will allow more workers to stay in the workforce, which is good news for small companies that are looking for skilled employees. This bill also updates the current Operations Appropriations Act of 2023. S.B.357 and provides a one-time $65.7 million in childcare stabilization grants over the next two months. 

The limited nature of the funding from S.B.357 means that if the budget is not agreed upon by September, another one-time funding bill will be required to keep the childcare industry afloat.

NCSBC will continue to update you on the progress of childcare funding in North Carolina and the overall status of the state’s budget.