Mask Restriction Bill Vetoed by Governor Cooper

This bill (H.B.237), which would make controversial changes to the law regarding facial coverings, faced criticism due to an unrelated campaign finance rider added to the document. Before the pandemic, wearing a face covering in public was illegal, but rules were suspended to allow face coverings for public health purposes in light of the pandemic. Now, members are looking to re-solidify the rules, allowing a thin exception for medical masks. However, when undergoing adjustments to allow a medical mask exception, the rider for campaign finance was added. 

Governor Roy Cooper stated that the bill “creates a gaping loophole for secret, unlimited campaign money in the middle of an election year” and “allows anonymous out-of-state billionaires to flood NC with campaign contributions.” Essentially, it will enable private donors from outside NC to donate to candidates through political organizations. Cooper also cited the bill as an attempt to “rescue extreme right-wing candidates.” This is one of several reasons for the highly partisan split on this legislation. 

Many expected Cooper to veto the bill, and it’s likely the GOP super majority will vote to pass the legislation anyway. Still, it is important to note that they have not yet voted to override either of the Governor’s previous two vetoes this year. The House and Senate go into recess in July, so the window for a veto is quickly shrinking.