Business Programs Featured in Governor's Budget

As we wait for the Senate buget, we’d like to keep you informed of business-related programs featured in Governor Cooper’s budget.

Education is a budget priority with Cooper recommending 58% of the General Fund budget towards it. With the NC Job Ready program, Governor Cooper is looking to expand the pipeline to funnel students and workers into high-demand fields. It pledges to help students get financial aid for college and would also provide financial assistance for workforce training programs.

The NC GROW (Getting Ready for Opportunities in the Workforce) scholarship invests $30 million to educate students in fields with high employer demand, including architecture, construction, health sciences, information technology, and advanced manufacturing. It also dedicates $15 million for non-credit, workforce training programs.

Businesses could see gains from the NC Employer Training Fund. It would provide $10 million for a competitive grant program to help employers provide “work-based learning opportunities.”

Employers would have latitude to use the funds to suit. Possible uses would be:

●     Employer apprenticeship programs

●     Paid internships

●     Part-time opportunities for students

●     “Up-skilling” for existing employees


Another priority is revitalizing rural communities and businesses. The Rural Investments Strengthening Economies (RISE) program would provide funds to the 80 counties identified as the most economically distressed. A total of $80.8 million would be allocated for all projects.

It would set aside $15 million to provide “competitive grants for rural communities to recruit new businesses or help offset the costs associated with relocating businesses.”

This program also includes 26 transformational projects across the state, with a total investment of $26.4 million, including almost $15 million to develop a Marine Industrial Park in Perquimans County and $5 million for infrastructure projects in Lenoir County and Kinston. $483,000 goes toward renovating business incubators in Laurinberg and Williamston. A complete list of projects can be found on page 156 of the budget.

Promoting a Sustainable Business Environment:

The governor pledges funds to promote clean energy and green businesses.

●     Protecting Our Water Supply:

○      $6.3 million for water supply testing and analysis for perflourinated compounds and other emerging compounds

○     >$3 million to match additional federal funds for clean water and drinking water infrastructure

●     Helping Clean Energy and Green Businesses Grow pledges $1.5 million in total to:

○     Study North Carolina’s potential to host offshore wind operations and associated jobs.

○     Expand the Environmental Stewardship Initiative, which helps businesses voluntarily implement practices with environmental and economic benefits.

Support Technological Innovation:

●     $2 million for early-stage technology development for small businesses

●     $1 million to the Community Innovation Fund, a competitive grant program to help rural, small, and medium-sized communities in transitioning to a knowledge and innovation-based economy

Other items on the budget:

●     Expanding broadband access: $30 million would go toward expanding broadband to businesses and households.

●     Lowering the unemployment tax paid by businesses: Since there is a surplus of unemployment money in reserve, the governor wants to lower the base tax paid by employers to 1.4% from the current 1.9%.