1. Enact policies that benefit small businesses:
Small businesses provide 85% of all job growth and account for 95% of all business in the nation. We need expanded policies to help promote the health and growth of small businesses. Theses policies will help the ___ small business employees in North Carolina as well as their families and communities.
Change economic development policies (p. 5 to 8 of ASBC State & Local Recommendations)
Create effective policies at the state and local level to encourage small business retention.
Expand Workshare Programs to all 50 states
Reframe economic development policy and practices to focus on local business needs and local economies.
Utilize areas explored by the coalition to engage local business communities.
Provide tools for local independent businesses to support the coalition’s objectives.
Invest in local economies (Banking, Financing, & Procurement, p. 10 to 13)
Question: Do we want to include any of this section? If so, which ones?
2. Healthcare expansion
3. Redistricting (Fair Representation)